Mocha Pro Out of Focus Background Replacement Tutorial Using Unlink

POSTED 13th OF Feb, 2020

Mocha Pro Out of Focus Background Replacement Tutorial Using Unlink Mocha Pro Out of Focus Background Replacement Tutorial Using Unlink

Using Unlink and Offset Tracking in Mocha Pro for Background Replacement

If you have to replace backgrounds or track out of focus regions in your footage,  Mocha's Unlink workflow is super powerful and a very useful technique to learn.  Check out this tutorial on using Unlink and replacing a blurry background with Mocha's planar motion tracking in Adobe After Effects.

Keying was done with  Continuum’s Primatte Studio plugin.

What is Unlink?

Unlink creates an offset relationship between the layer’s search area (the spline) and the surface (the track). Create a layer, then in Layer Properties, select Link to Track: None. When you track, notice the search area will not move and you now have an offset relationship between the Spline and Surface.

The unlink technique can be used in any version of  Mocha plug-in or standalone application even though in this tutorial it is used in the After Effects version.
